Legends of the Links
- All posts 24
- Junior golf 5
- Practice 14
- Practice outline 2
- Skill development 8
- Trading cards 1

The great cliche in childhood athletics is just how much kids are involved in these days. There’s soccer practice on Mondays, games on Thursdays and Saturday, theatre rehearsal is after...

When kids first start competing in golf often times their practice habits change. Make sure the are still enjoying golf while also getting their games ready for competition with self-competition...

We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training. This quote, made famous by the SEALs but attributed to Archilochus the Greek...

Let’s say you are playing pretty well and nothing requires drastic attention, you just want to find small upgrades in each part of your golf game. Let's design the perfect hour of...

The Navy SEALs famously quote “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training”. In a FAR less dramatic sense, golf practice is the...

The worst innovation to golf practice was the range picker, as soon as golfers didn’t need to pick up their own shots practice became far less effective. When it is easier for...

There’s something beautiful about the sound of range balls banging against the dispenser as they fall into the large plastic bucket. Each ball is its own lottery ticket to find...
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