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Fore Coaches

If you want to make your junior coaching legendary see how you can implement Legends of the Links into your junior program today!

Legends of the Links was created to help golf pros create a junior golf program that would be so exciting that kids would be talking about it during show and tell, it can also help engage the parents appropriately in their child's junior golf practice and save you hours and hours of setup and administrative work. 

Overview of the Trading Cards

Right now there are 72 different cards in the program and they are broken into 4 tribes as well as advantage cards. The four tribes are the four skills we try to develop in our players, Power, Control, Consistency, and Magic. The power tribe is our Middle Earth characters, the control tribe are Cyberpunks, the Aliens represent the consistency tribe and Magic are all famous golfer’s nicknames. Each card in that tribe's deck has a challenge that focuses on developing that tribe's skill. The advantage cards in each deck are bonus cards that players can use in the trading card game to give themselves advantages in the skill challenges like being able to hit from a closer spot or making their opponent hit while standing on one leg. 

The Program (Collect, Train, Duel)

The program around the cards is broken into three phases Collecting, Training, and Dueling. Collecting is what the kids will do in a clinic, they earn the cards by completing challenges. Training is when kids use the cards on their own to practice the challenges be it on their own or with parents. Dueling is the final phase and its our competition using the trading card game that was designed for the cards and what drives retention. 

After a great first year with the program, I am excited to fully launch this program and share it with more and more clubs and professionals. With Legends of the Links you can bring in an innovative program that brings families together at the golf course, gets the kids excited to come back to the golf course, and save hours and hours of setup and admin work. 



0-9 Decks $30.00/Deck

10+ Decks + Coaching Binder $20.00/Deck 


*Coaching Binder includes each coach card and 10 decks of your order organized into a binder for easy transportation of the entire Legends of the Links program


To order please email with:

Your Name

Company Name


Phone Number


Number of Decks you want to order