For those of us not fortunate enough to be able to have access to an indoor golf simulator these are dark days. The ground stays frozen, there may even be snow on the ground, the sun disappears and temperatures bring no hope of salvation on the horizon. Fret not though, you can still get some great work in on your game from the comfort of your sweatpants and your warm living room.
Minutes 1-5
Place a notecard on the ground and hit 5 putts to the notecard, start at 10ft and move back 5ft after each 5 putts.
Minutes 6-10
Use two tees and stand them upside down on the ground, have about one ball width of space between the two tees. Spend 5 minutes hitting putts from 3ft away from the gate you created with the tees attempting to hit the ball through the tees. This drill will really help master having the putter head square at impact and getting the ball started on the intended line.
Minutes 11-15
Tennis Ball Toss- Stand about 6ft away from a partner or a wall and you are going to toss the ball at the wall using your golf swing. In your golf posture as if you were hitting a driver towards the wall or partner, hold a tennis ball with both hands. While holding the tennis ball, make a full swing and throw the ball. The ball should fly right at your partner's chest. If it misses wide of the target the path of your swing is likely off, if it hits low or high of the target the timing of your release is off, likely causing thin or fat shots.
Minutes 16-20
If you have the space to make a full swing I would recommend spending the last 5 minutes of your practice time doing speed training. If you have a speed training tool like TheStack System or SuperSpeed the winter is the perfect time to unlock a few extra yards to start off the next season. If you don’t have one of these tools do not fear, take your driver swing it as hard as you possibly can 5 times. After those 5 swings flip your club upside down so the grip is pointing down and grip the club on the shaft near the clubhead. When you swing the club you will hear a whoosh sound. For these 5 swings focus on trying to make the whoosh sound as loud as possible while also having the loudest point of the whoosh being where the ball would be. Players who are not releasing the club properly will have their whoosh sound be too early or too late relative to where a golf ball would be.